The Eaton’s Neck Fire Department recently purchased and placed into service a LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System from Physio-Control, Inc. The portable, easy-to-use device delivers automated, guidelines-consistent chest compressions to improve blood flow in victims of cardiac arrest. With LUCAS, automated compressions are delivered consistently and continuously, helping to maintain good circulation to the patient during transport to the hospital. “This is especially important for our community given the distance and transport time to the nearest hospital,” said Rescue Squad Captain Walter Visco, EMT. “Studies show the effectiveness of manual chest compressions can drop rapidly–often after only one minute–due to rescuer fatigue,” he explained. “Having the LUCAS at our side during a cardiac emergency allows us to reduce the number of EMTs or firefighters to assist with CPR. This frees up members to focus on other life-saving interventions such as medication, ventilation and defibrillation.”